We are the sum of the small things we do each day
Each week pick 1 new habit from below and slot it into your daily routine
Get 20 mins of movement
in after each meal
It’s so important for keeping insulin levels stable and therefore avoiding weight gain. So go for a walk, do housework, dance , any movement will do!
Click here to read an article on insulin and weight gain.
Do daily balance and
mobility exercises
Skipping for just 3 mins
a day has huge benefits!
It’s great for cardiovascular health, bone density, lymphatic stimulation, calorie burn, balance & coordination AND it’s almost free !
Start at 50 skips and work your way up to 300.Click here to read my blog on all the amazing benefits of skipping.
to snacks
Snacking may seem harmless, however, even if the snack is ‘healthy’ it will probably still require your body to release insulin (depending on the macros) to utilise the energy. Click here to understand why lowering insulin is so important to weight loss and overall health.
If you think drinking fruit juice is healthy, think again…
Did you know that drinking fruit juice is causing you harm due to the effect on both your glucose levels and your mitochondria?
Click here to understand why it is cruical to steer clear from fruit juice and instead eat the fruit whole.
Eat 2-3
of these nuts
every day
Brazil nuts pack a nutritional punch, including protection against Covid-19!
Just 2-3 a day gives you more than 100% of your selenium requirement, which is a vital mineral for immune health.
Click here to get more info on this amazing nut.