Get your daily dose or sunshine!
Sunlight plays a pivotal role in
our physical and mental health
Ultraviolet (UV) - these are the harmful rays that cause skin damage, cancer and aging if exposed to in excess. UVB light also contributes to the many benefits though.
Visible light - this is the only wave length we can see.
Near/far infrared (NIR/FIR) - this is the spectrum related to positive health benefits such as: improved circulation, immune support, pain relief and mitochondria improvement.
Why is NIR so beneficial? NIR has long wavelengths, meaning it can penetrate deep, well beyond the skin, to improve us at the cellular level.
The best way to get NIR is to use an infrared panel.
The light spectrum of the sun
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What are the benefits of sunlight?
Regulation of circadium rhythm
Exposure to morning sun regulates
our internal clock which promotes better sleep, increased energy levels and overall happier mood.
Bone health
Natural source of vitamin D which is essential for absorption and utilisation of calcium.
Immune function
Vitamin D plays a crucial role in supporting immune health. It does this in many ways, including reducing inflammation and supporting the production of antimicrobial peptides which are small proteins with the ability to kill or inhibit bacteria and viruses.
Optimises hormone balance
Influences the production of hormones, including cortisol, which plays a role in stress response and hormonal balance.
Eye health
Contributes to the prevention of myopia and other visual impairments.
Once sun goes down, dim the lights and avoid blue light - this will promote optimal circadium rhythm and help your body to produce melatonin, the sleep hormone.
Avoid all light from 10pm-4am - to ensure sleep stages and circadium rhythm are not interrupted.
Cellular regeneration
Due to it’s long wavelength, NIR reaches into the body’s tissues and stimulates mitochondrial function (our energy source), enhances blood circulation, promotes collagen production and reduces inflammation.