Why you should stop drinking fruit juice

It would be easy to believe that fruit juice is a healthy beverage, after all, isn’t fruit healthy? Yes fruit is healthy (in the right doses), however the cold hard truth about fruit juice is that it is really just liquid candy. The problem lies in both the quality and quantity of the ingredients. Qntity is an issue as it takes several pieces of fruit to make up 1 cup of liquid, which results in a high concentration of sugar. Did you know one cup of orange juice could have as many grams of sugar as a can of soft drink! Quality is an issue as the juicing process strips away most of the fibre (as well as vitamins and minerals) which is needed to help slow down the absorption of glucose in the blood. Both of these factors combined have a negative impact on: blood glucose levels; and mitochondrial health which leads to many health issues, including obesity, diabetes, Alzheimers, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.


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